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Monday, August 28, 2017

Who's that kid in the old tintype?

Is this Lee B. Coltrane?
I found this tintype portrait among the photos I've collected over the years. It came from Vernon Coltrane's family.

According to Wikipedia, "Tintypes enjoyed their widest use during the 1860s and 1870s, but lesser use of the medium persisted into the early 20th century."

I'm guessing the boy in the picture is about twelve years old. He looks to be wearing a uniform of some kind. A school uniform perhaps? Surely not a military uniform.

Solomon Hodgin Coltrane, Vernon Coltrane's grandfather, was born in 1847, so it's probably not him, but it might be one of his children. If so, could this be Vernon's father, Lee B. Coltrane? Lee was born in 1891, so it's possible.

Solomon and Emma had five sons: Shubal, Albert, Alexander, Carl, and Lee. Among their eight children Shubal was the oldest, born in 1874, and Lee the youngest son. This portrait could be any of them, or someone entirely different, but since it was in possession of Vernon's family, my gut tells me this is probably our great grandfather, Lee Beacher Coltrane.

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